Working with pathogenic bacteria requires the use of a Class 2 Biological Safety Cabinet, which will provide personnel, environment and product protection through the use of a vertical laminar flow.


When performing an Antimicrobial Textile Testing, it is important to keep the Safety Cabinet clean and disinfected to avoid contamination. It is recommended to follow these procedures:

At the beginning of each work day, before introducing any items, the interior surfaces of the Safety Cabinet must be wiped with 70% Alcohol. This process must be repeated at the end of the work day, after removing all of the materials and trash from the cabinet.

Following the specific guidelines of the laboratory, a deeper cleaning must be done periodically or weekly, depending on the frequency of use of the cabinet. For this deeper cleaning, it is recommended to clean with the following reagents in the specified order:

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide Wipes
  2. 70% Alcohol
  3. Disinfectant Cleaner



  • Every item used must be wiped with 70% Alcohol before entering to the cabinet and also as soon as it is taken out.
  • It is recommended to prepare all of the materials to use in advance, and introduce them into the cabinet at the same time, to avoid entering into the cabinet multiple times.
  • It is recommended to keep a trash receptacle inside the cabinet to discard all of the hazardous waste. At the end of the procedures performed in the cabinet, the trash bag will be properly disposed.
  • In addition to the protection provided by the cabinet, the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be used following the laboratory guidelines.